Oferta de mobilier și decorațiuni actualizată zilnic din peste 1.000 de magazine

1,50 - 4,00Kč
Home & Garden


1,50 - 4,00Kč CZ: Provize pouze za prokliky. Prokliky se do systému stahují s prodlevou cca 10 minut. Počítají se pouze prokliky z webu Biano na weby jednotlivých e-shopů. Nepočítají se samotné prokliky z webu affil. partnera na Provize se počítá pouze v rámci jedné session. V rámci session může nastat více prokliků. Každý den se poté provize za prokliky sčítají do transakce. V případě zjištění nesrovnalostí či umělého navýšení počtu prokliků mohou být všechny provize partnera zamítnuty. ENG: Commission only for clicks. Clicks are downloaded to the system with a delay of about 10 minutes. Only clicks from the Biano website to the websites of individual e-shops are counted. Clicks from the affil website alone are not counted partner at The commission is calculated only within one session. Multiple clicks may occur within a session. Every day thereafter, commissions for clicks are added to the transaction. In the event of detection of irregularities or an artificial increase in the number of clicks, all partner commissions may be rejected. RO: Comision numai pentru clicuri. Clicurile sunt descărcate în sistem cu o întârziere de aproximativ 10 minute. Sunt contorizate doar clicurile de pe site-ul web Biano către site-urile web ale magazinelor electronice individuale. Numai clicurile de pe site-ul afiliat nu sunt luate în considerare. partener la Comisionul se calculează doar în cadrul unei sesiuni. Pot apărea mai multe clicuri într-o sesiune. În fiecare zi după aceea, la tranzacție se adaugă comisioane pentru clicuri. În cazul detectării unor nereguli sau a unei creșteri artificiale a numărului de clicuri, toate comisioanele partenerilor pot fi respinse.

About program

Average order value
N/A Last 100 days
Average commission (%)
N/A Poměr sumy všech nezamítnutých provizí (CZK) ku počtu všech unikátních kliků, vzorek dat za posledních 100 dní
Average commmission (CZK)
1 755,71 CZK Last 100 days
100,00% Podíl schválených transakcí na celku (bez nevyřešených), vzorek dat 100 dní zpětně od nejmladší schválené provize
Conversion rate
0,18% Number of all unrejected transactions to the number of all unique clicks, sample data for the last 100 days.
Tracking version
External Tracking is not implemented directly by our system, but by a 3rd party (or other advertiser tool). The data about the realized orders is downloaded to our system with a delay (in extreme cases 1x every 24 hours).
Domain tracking
No For programs that have Domain Tracking available, we can also calculate orders from click-throughs that did not go through a standard affiliate link (the kind you would normally generate from our administration). The affiliate must have their site's domain registered in their profile, and if a referring URL from such a domain is recorded, we consider it an affiliate click-through even if it does not contain the standard tracking parameters. However, this is not a full-fledged alternative to tracking (equally accurate), but rather an additional option to track scenarios where the required parameters are lost in the browser or the link including the parameters cannot be placed on the site.
XML feed
Release date

You can get more info about programs in administration: Sign in / Sign up

Propagation limits

No emailing without prior approval
Partners may not send out emailing without the prior consent of the advertiser or network, unless it is a regular emailing with a general offer of 3 or more advertisers or brands at the same time, which the users (recipients) have agreed to receive. Any form of spam is prohibited.
Misleading advertising
Partners may not use domain names or subdomains that contain the advertiser's brand in any form without the advertiser's consent. Partners must not prepare websites that include a web page or web pages designed in such a way that there is a risk of confusion with the advertiser's website. Partners must not set up social media profiles, pages or groups containing the advertiser's brand in their name without the advertiser's consent. Furthermore, they must not use fictitious and non-existent discount coupons or promotions or any other form of spam.
PPC on keywords (incl. brand) and direct arbitrage
Partners may not advertise on the advertiser's brand, any misspelled variations thereof, and other defined keywords in paid search results and on social media. And they may not use advertising in paid search results and on social media that will lead directly to the advertiser's website. If a partner wants to use PPC, they must direct traffic to their website.
Kristina Krátká
Affiliate manager

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