Marken mit Content-Erstellern verbinden

Wir sind ein faires Affiliate-Netzwerk, das auf einzigartige Weise proprietäre Technologie mit einem Team erfahrener Affiliate-Manager kombiniert. Erwarten Sie bis zu 23% Umsatzsteigerung dank Werbeaktivitäten von 9 000 Content-Erstellern.

Warum entscheiden sich Unternehmen für eHUB?

Eine Plattform, die sich Ihnen anpasst

Als einziges Affiliate-Netzwerk auf dem tschechischen und slowakischen Markt entwickeln wir unsere eigene Plattform vollständig. Wir können es vollständig an Ihre Anforderungen anpassen und Ihnen mehr Kunden für weniger Geld bringen.

Affiliate-Manager, mit denen Ihr Unternehmen wachsen wird

Unsere Affiliate-Manager widmen sich ehrlich der Verwaltung jedes Affiliate-Programms. Sie verbessern sie kontinuierlich, um noch bessere Ergebnisse zu liefern, und stehen mit ihrer Erfahrung und ihrem Wissen jederzeit zur Verfügung. Sie haben jederzeit jemanden, an den Sie sich mit Rat oder Hilfe wenden können.

Ein zuverlässiger Geschäftspartner seit 2010

In den 12 Jahren unseres Bestehens haben wir im Affiliate-Marketing ein Niveau erreicht, das in unserem Markt nicht üblich ist. Aber wir bleiben immer noch hauptsächlich eine Gruppe lockerer Leute, die gerne dabei helfen, ein erfolgreiches Affiliate-Programm auch für Ihr Unternehmen aufzubauen.

Fangen Sie an mit eHUB zu wachsen

Für Online-Shops und Marken
Ich möchte eine weitere Quelle für Kunden und Bestellungen

Erhalten Sie Zugriffe von Websites, die Sie sonst nicht erreichen würden. Sie zahlen nicht für Klicks, sondern nur für valide Bestellungen.

Mehr Informationen
Für Content-Ersteller
Ich möchte mit Content Geld verdienen

Haben Sie eine Website mit Publikum, Social-Media-Konten mit Followern oder andere Medienräume? Erhalten Sie Werbeeinnahmen und verdienen Sie Geld damit, was Ihnen Spaß macht.

Mehr erfahren

Das sagen unsere Kunden über eHUB

Kamil Kotraba
Head of Performace Marketing

After transitioning from another affiliate solution, we are succeeding in continuous growth in the affiliate program - we especially appreciate the permanent increase in partners, the speed of communication and problem solving, technical support and the effort to constantly develop the program. Affiliate network eHUB is our stable partner and together we will continue the successful cooperation and growth of this channel.

Michal Šeděnka
E-commerce and Performance Marketing Lead

The eHUB platform helped us start our affiliate program and thanks to great communication, it helps us to develop it further. I greatly appreciate the ability to provide both commercial and technical assistance, especially in the correct tracking settings.

Petr Šteiner
Senior Marketing Specialist

What we value most about the eHUB platform is the time flexibility with which they deal with our requests. In addition to the advanced reporting and clarity of the platform, we also appreciate the speed of transitioning to eHUB from another platform.

Martin Borl
Owner of

We have been cooperating with eHUB for almost 2 years, and during that time the number of partners involved in our program has increased significantly, bringing in an ever-increasing volume of transactions. In the affiliate program, we see not only a purely performance benefit, but through it we also build brand awareness and start building long-term relationships with our customers. We appreciate the flexible support from eHUB and the desire to expand the partner network so that we can fulfill our marketing goals.

Tomáš Ráček
Head of External Call Center and Affiliate network at mBank

Three years ago, our cooperation with the eHUB platform, which forms the cornerstone of our newly created affiliate program in the Czech and Slovak Republics, began to be mapped. It provides us with an advanced technical background and, thanks to excellent communication, helps us not only with our development, but also shares current trends in the affiliate world.

Jiří Laburda
Senior online marketing specialist Marimex

We started working with the eHUB affiliate network a year and a half ago. From the beginning, the cooperation has been trouble-free, we have full technical and administrative support from them. We were surprised by the ease of implementation of the tracking code, the clarity of the platform and the quick engagement of affiliate partners. We are also satisfied with the individual performance of partners. Thanks to the cooperation with, we were able to grow even in this difficult time, and we believe that this will continue to be the case in the future. We are convinced that the decision to choose was the right one, because we found in it a quality partner for expanding the affiliate network.

Michal Majgot
Senior affiliate manager at

Affiliate network eHUB helps us to develop affiliate of Alza in Slovakia. We thus use their advanced technical solution, which allows us to further scale the program and fairly reward the partners involved. I also appreciate the excellent communication and human approach. And not only to us, but also to affiliate partners. eHUB is a reliable business partner for us, with whom we want to further develop our affiliate program and make it better.

Josef Buryan
Chief Marketing Officer Aktin/Vilgain

Cooperation with the eHUB affiliate network is an important step for us at Aktin in expanding our affiliate marketing coverage. Although we were already working with our own solution, joining forces with eHUB allows us to scale our activities more effectively and create synergies where both solutions complement and strengthen each other. eHUB provides us with an advanced technical solution that contributes significantly to the growth and effectiveness of our affiliate program. We appreciate their fair and transparent approach to affiliate and excellent communication, which is key to both the relationship with us and the relationship with our partners. eHUB is not only a technical provider for us, but a reliable business partner with whom we want to continuously develop and improve our affiliate program.

Steigen Sie mit eHUB in das Affiliate-Marketing ein

Unsere Affiliate-Manager erarbeiten für Sie eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung, die maximalen Nutzen bringt.
